Are my F_ Panel connections right?


Jul 31, 2016
Hi all! I'm installing a new power supply and on accident I took off the front panel connections thinking they were part of the power supply. Yea I know dumb right? Now I can't remember how they go back in - and I don't have a motherboard manual to help. When I press the power button only the front led lights come on and nothing else boots up. Could I get any help?

Motherboard manuals can usually be found online from the company's website. For instance if it's an asus board, the asus website should have a search feature to look up your motherboard model and take you to a product page. From there there should be a downloads area with the manual available.

The pictures aren't really complete, you have to look at the ends of the cables and match them up with the connection pins. The colored wire is the positive cable so if you have two pins for HDD LED on the motherboard, one marked with + and the other with -, the colored wire goes to the + and the white to the -.

If the red/white wires are the hdd led plug, then yes you had them in correct. Red to the + along the left bottom row where it says...
Motherboard manuals can usually be found online from the company's website. For instance if it's an asus board, the asus website should have a search feature to look up your motherboard model and take you to a product page. From there there should be a downloads area with the manual available.

The pictures aren't really complete, you have to look at the ends of the cables and match them up with the connection pins. The colored wire is the positive cable so if you have two pins for HDD LED on the motherboard, one marked with + and the other with -, the colored wire goes to the + and the white to the -.

If the red/white wires are the hdd led plug, then yes you had them in correct. Red to the + along the left bottom row where it says "+HD-". If the orange and white wires are marked 'pwr' or 'pw_sw' indicating the power switch then they were in the right position also. If the green and white wires are labeled 'pled' (power led) then since there are only two I would try connecting them to the upper left pins labeled 'pled'. The lower right 3 pin place that says 'pwr_led' would be for a wider 3pin connector which you don't appear to have.

Did you double check to make sure the other connections to the motherboard are connected? The 4 or 8 pin cpu power and the 20+4 pin mainboard cable?