Is "Perfer Maximum Performance" in Nvidia Control panel Safe?



Hi, I play Grand Theft Auto 5 and I lag a bit when I'm playing using mods in single player so I thought if I would set prefer maximum performance mode in nvidia control panel would it increase my fps, I usually have it set to optimal and I read on an article that sometimes if you have the setting set to prefer maximum performance the graphics card doesn't down clock properly when exiting the game. something else I worried about is heat will my graphics card become hotter and if so is it still ok?
My graphics card is a 980ti
I want a yes and no answer with a small explanation whether I should use prefer maximum performance mode or not.
It is safe to use. If you set it in your global options, it does mean your card will not drop to idle clocks when not gaming, which will make it run a bit hotter idle, but nowhere near a dangerous temperature. Really the only drawbacks to using 'Prefer Maximum Performance' is a bit higher power consumption when idle, and a bit more heat being generated when idle.

I personally find the optimal setting to be fine unless I'm playing a very old game that doesn't push the GPU that much and causes it to stay at idle or semi-idle clocks, which can cause some slowdowns or stutters at times. As such I usually only turn on maximum performance for those older titles in the Nvidia control panel.
It is safe to use. If you set it in your global options, it does mean your card will not drop to idle clocks when not gaming, which will make it run a bit hotter idle, but nowhere near a dangerous temperature. Really the only drawbacks to using 'Prefer Maximum Performance' is a bit higher power consumption when idle, and a bit more heat being generated when idle.

I personally find the optimal setting to be fine unless I'm playing a very old game that doesn't push the GPU that much and causes it to stay at idle or semi-idle clocks, which can cause some slowdowns or stutters at times. As such I usually only turn on maximum performance for those older titles in the Nvidia control panel.
Optimal should be fine for you. If you want, you can go to your Nvidia control panel, go to programs, and set the program specific power management setting for GTA V to maximum performance, though I doubt that is likely to improve performance in any way, the game already pushes the GPU pretty hard as it is, and the optimal settings should give you the best clockspeeds possible already.