SSD not showing in Device Manager But usable, working but with wrong size

Hi guys
So here's the thing. I've got a PNY CS1111 240Gb SSD for quite some time where I keep my most played games on Steam. It's used just for that. I used it on my old computer and moved it to my new computer. I never noticed how much space it had because I only had BO3 on it. Just noticed now when I tried to get also Doom and Rainbow Six Siege on it and noticed there wasn't enough space..
For some reason it only shows as the total size of 142Gb when I think that it should show something around 220Gb total usable space.
I got a screenshot for you to see. It shows all my disks on Device manager except that one although it shows on My Computer with that strange usable space.. (My windows 10 is in Portuguese)
Thoughts on how I solve this?

Well that last screenshot is telling. To me it looks like there are two partitions on the Seagate drive, a 142GB partition and a 6GB partition. So STEAM isn't on the PNY SSD at all, and the PNY SSD isn't detected at all.

At this point you need to check your connections to the PNY SSD, both SATA power and SATA data. Check both ends of the SATA data cable (drive side and motherboard side), if it all looks good, try using a different SATA data cable. The same can be said for the SATA power connector, make sure it's fully inserted. If it is, maybe try a different SATA power connector. Either the drive isn't powered, the data path is disconnected, or the drive has failed completely.

Does this drive appear in your BIOS?
First off the drive you have labled as STEAM (letter F) is not an SSD according to the orange line coming from
ST3160815. That drive is a Seagate 160GB hard drive. Is it possible you've miss drawn the line from the ST3160815 to STEAM and instead should have drawn it to the drive labeled Seagate (letter G)?

Oops, had a second look and it appears you did connect the orange line to the Seagate drive. My apologies.

It's odd that the drive shows up in the Windows Explorer drive list, but not in the Device Manager. Have you looked in Disk Management? Does the drive show up in there?

Could you post a picture of you Disk Management window?

Also if you go into your BIOS, does the PNY SSD show up in there?

Did you just move this drive to the new computer? If so, has it been like this since you've added it? I've had a similar issue and what I did to remedy it was to shut down, disconnect the drive in question, reboot. Login, shutdown again, reattach the drive in question and reboot. This fixed it for me. The only thing I could think of is something went wrong with Windows when it originally detected the drive and it just needed another chance to detect it properly.

Yup. Orange line connected to Seagate (G) with the orange box.. Steam(F) has a red box not connected to anything.. The thing is there is nothing on the Device Manager to connect it to.. And the problem with the usable space..

Look up, I edited the post.
Ok.. there's something really wrong in my computer..
Here's the Disk Manager print:

Now the 160Gb Seagate also shows with 6Gb..

And no, the PNY doesn't show up on BIOS. But the Seagate does.. with the real size.

Let me know your thoughts on the subject..
Well that last screenshot is telling. To me it looks like there are two partitions on the Seagate drive, a 142GB partition and a 6GB partition. So STEAM isn't on the PNY SSD at all, and the PNY SSD isn't detected at all.

At this point you need to check your connections to the PNY SSD, both SATA power and SATA data. Check both ends of the SATA data cable (drive side and motherboard side), if it all looks good, try using a different SATA data cable. The same can be said for the SATA power connector, make sure it's fully inserted. If it is, maybe try a different SATA power connector. Either the drive isn't powered, the data path is disconnected, or the drive has failed completely.

Does this drive appear in your BIOS?

What you said would be the logical answer.. Apart from the fact that the PNY has the contents it had on my old computer and my Seagate Drive was not in that computer. (Although I used the PNY to replace that Seagate as my Most Used Games Steam Disk.. It is possible that it also had BO3 in there and that's why I didn't suspect a thing..)
But I'll test the both my disks and connections tomorrow with some time according to your advice. I'll tell you how it went.
Anyway thanks for the help so far.. :)
BTW, no, the PNY doesn't apear on BIOS..
Well according to Disk Management, STEAM and Seagate (F & G) are part of Disk 1 (physical disK).

If the SSD doesn't show in the BIOS, then it's definitely not going to appear in Windows. There must be something wrong with the drive, the SATA data cable, or the drive isn't getting power. Or the SATA port you have the drive connected to on the motherboard is disabled or not working. Make sure you don't have the PNY SSD plugged into a third party controller, if you get it working, performance will suffer.