AMD Radeon RX 480 vs. NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060


Jul 27, 2016
Which is better? I can afford either, but would like a non-biased opinion on which will do better for gaming AND video editing... Thanks


The RX480 usually fares better in DX12 games and should be more than $20 cheaper after prices settle.

If you plan to play many DX12 games in the near-future, the RX480 could be the better pick. If DX11 is the bulk of your most frequently played games for the foreseeable future, then go with the GTX1060.


Jan 31, 2016
If you're going to do Gaming and Video editing and DONT plan on upgrading your PC for a while then go with the GTX 1060.
It has shadow play which is great for recording/streaming! And a lot of cool extra features! (Please check them out..)
It also can be overclocked a hell of a lot better than the RX 480 can! (The RX 480 overclocked isn't anything too special..)
The GTX 1060 is a perfect card for Video Editing and 1080p gaming in my opinion..
The RX 480 looks promising for the future (DX 12 and Vulkan titles..) but we can't be so sure that it will.. It's more of a budget gaming card then a "productive editing" card..
The GTX 1060 is for a great gaming experience and productive video editing!
(If you're using Photoshop, video editing, 3D rendering and other GPU intensive stuff then this is the card for you..)
The RX 480 is for more of those Budget gamer's that just want to game at 1080p and don't really do anything else productive on their PC's!
(For those budget hardcore gamers that just want an amazing 1080p gaming experience and wish to upgrade in the future!)