Using VPN-type services for gaming against Comcast TOS?


Aug 5, 2016
Is using VPN-type services such as Hamachi or Evolve against Comcast's TOS?

I want to play ARMA 2 with some buddies on a private map.

Now, I don't understand a whole lot about VPNs, but would using one of the clients result in termination of my service? Comcast has a very strict policy about hosting servers, and I personally don't understand if VPNs hook up existing computers to a third party server or turn my personal computer into a server that my friends would be connecting to.

Forgive me if I'm dumb, I won't lie, I don't know a lot about this subject.

I should note, this would be something I probably do once or twice a week, depending if it's allowed. It would be non-commercial with about 2-3 friends who live out of state.

Thanks, sorry for my lack of understanding.


Understood. I can't imagine Comcast would care one bit about that. You'll be fine and not violate their TOS.
Standard ISP crap where they try to force you to pay more money for a business account. They write these so vaguely that they can declare anything they want petty much in violation.

I suppose it depends what mood they are in on any day. Many twitch steamer are using normal home comcast accounts to make their living and I have not heard comcast forces them to get a business account even though they are using is for commercial purposes.

Likely they will ignore you if you are not causing issues. Torrents would cause much more traffic than some game server traffic.

Pretty much even the guys that are torrenting illegal content and the ISP got a cease and desist notification just get a nasty email or letter telling them to stop or else.

I doubt they care but likely the worst that would happen is a warning letter saying that if you want to continue doing something you must upgrade to the business account. Unless you were really hosting a actual server used by the general public I doubt they care much.


Aug 5, 2016
No, neither. I'm talking about using a VPN-type service (Evolve Client) to mimic a LAN connection and play a LAN server with a couple buddies out of state. Evolve has this party feature that sets up a virtual LAN with all of the people in your party. I am unable to port forward due to Comcast, static IPs are almost non-existent with home service, and I don't want to rent out an expensive server just so I can play a couple vs. AI missions with some buddies.



Understood. I can't imagine Comcast would care one bit about that. You'll be fine and not violate their TOS.


Aug 18, 2016
It depends on many facts that we will never know. But I don't think that using one of the clients will result in termination of the service. I'm using my vpn service for gaming and everything is alright. So, don't be afraid and have fun!