architecture student budget PC


Aug 18, 2016
hey all ,
I wanna build a new PC , cause i only got a laptop which doesn't do well with rendering .
I'm on a really bad budget , I was going with a 6700 / 16gb ram / h170 mobo
but 6700 has gotten expensive in last week , here ( unfortunately )
Now , I'm looking for other possible built.
I can go with a 4790 , or go with 6600 .( or any other suggestion )
if I go with the 6600 , I can get a SSD right away , but with other built , I gotta wait a bit
I'm going to work on my laptop and only rendering on the PC ,( only CPU based render)
but the iGpu does matter to me , ( at least for till next year ) since I'll be doing a bit of low 720p Gaming on the pc ,....till I get a Graphics card next year .
I only Got about 500$ - 550 $
go with the i5 and the ssd. there both the same 4 core cpu. i7 has hyperthreading and only works if the os and programs use it. save your money go with locked i5 and h170/b170 mb.


Aug 18, 2016
As this wouldn't be my Only rig , a bit of longer render time isn't much to care about but future proofing is a big DEAL ,
Also wondering , if going with a 6700 , and not having a SSD or a good case for next 3 months worth it .
6700 is about 160$ more expensive here , now

also for the prices :
6700 400$
6600 214$
4790 350$
low to average H170 mobo 100$
16gb ram 75$