Motherboard LED on but wont power on anymore

chris park

Jun 30, 2014
Hello everyone.
I am very stressed out as I am writing this post.

About an hour ago I did an Nvidia driver update. I was watching tv while I let it do its thing.
When I came backto the computer a little while later, the resolution was set very low and it was stuck on the "installation complete" page on geforce experience.

I waited a little while longer, but nothing was happening.
so I went into the start menu and clicked restart computer.

After I had done that my monitor would no longer display anything. I hard reset my pc a few times to no avail, so i unplugged my gpu and plugged straight into my motherboard. At this point I noticed that my motherboard was not posting any numbers or symbols, and the OC and ECO buttons were lit.

I tried to get something to display by plugging my dp cable into the motherboard, and still nothing was showing up.

I had a lot of things plugged into almost all of my usb ports on my I/O so i unplugged most of them and when I went to hit the power button again, my computer would no longer turn on.

I disassembled my pc and put it back together, but it didnt help.

The red power button light on my pc is on, but it wont boot.

for the love of love please help me. I am so frustrated. hopefully only my psu is broken. anything else and itll will cause me so much more stress because i live outside the us and to get computer parts is very very very difficult for me.

here are my specs:
i5 6600k
gtx 1070
gigabyte gaming 7 mobo

chris park

Jun 30, 2014

This isnt the problem.
I just tried connecting the PSU to two different systems and it works fine....
so it must be the motherboard.

anyone, please!? My Gigabyte Gaming 7 (z170) lights up, but pressing the power button doesnt do anything.

it looks fine from the outside, i cant see anything wrong with it. It just wont switch on. someone please help. is the mobo dead? is there anything I can do to jump start it back to life? like baking it, or whatever...i know baking a gpu can bring it back to life. what about a mobo?

chris park

Jun 30, 2014

oh my....
thank you so much.

i cant believe that worked.

i live in south korea, and getting pc parts here is no joke. its almost three in the morning right now. i couldnt sleep because of this. now i can sleep. thank you so much. may you have a great day. you dont understand how much at ease you put me.