Do I get a laptop with Intel core i3 with 256SSD or Intel core i5 with 1TB HHD?


Aug 20, 2016
Do I get a laptop with Intel core i3 and With 256SSD or Intel core i5 with 1TB HHD?
I'm starting my Alevels in September so it will be used for that a lot. I will also use it for general home use such as online shopping. I also would like to be able to use photoshop to edit photos however this isn't something I will be doing loads of so if photoshop runs a little slow it wouldn't be the end of the world.
Im choosing between this one...
Or this one...
Oh and the fact that the i3 one is gold and slightly cheaper makes me really want that one but if you think the i3 and SSD won't be enough then I will go with the other one.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you :)
My vote is also for the i3 + SSD. Why not add an SSD to whatever laptop you buy, though? They're cheap. You can get cheapo SSDs in that size for as little as $60, and a Samsung or Intel model for less than $90.



128GB SSD is very small ... from experience you should get 250GB and up ...

plus , this is an older i3 5005u running at 2Ghz , Avoid it .