Fan splitter, what do I plug in?


Jul 28, 2014
I bought a 5 way fan splitter and it comes with a 4 pin female to plug into mobo and a 4 pin molex, which one do I plug in? Or do i just plug one in. I've read aroundd that if you plugg your fan into molex from power supply it'll run 100% all times. But iff I just plug in the splitter to my mobo, I will be able to see fan speeds. Which one do I plug? 4 pin on mobo or 4 pin molex from powewr supply? Or both? thanks
I believe just the one on the mobo.

All the fans on that connector will run at the same speed, but you can control it at least as opposed to it being 100%.
If your splitter has a 4 pin for the mobo and a 4 pin molex you need to connect both.
It is letting the mobo control the speed, but needs the connection to the PSU to have the juice to power all the fans.

You will then use the 3pin/4pin connection of the fan to the controller (don't use the molex on the fan itself).