Port forwarding not working after getting new router


Aug 23, 2016
First of all im german and I get internet from 1&1(1 und 1). So I always used no-ip/duc for making servers for serveral games. I used the ip: modserver.no-ip.org Since I got the new router It doesent work anymore. I can reach my own local network but noone else can nor can I thru my domain thingy.

No way to know from the post, if it's not there, it's usually safer to assume it was not done. We get posts like "I replaced the hard drive and now Windows does not start", when we ask, it turns out they just opened the drive from the box and plugged it in without doing anything else. A tech would assume they tried to install Windows, but that is not the case. There is also no way to see how you setup the port forwarding to know what the issue may be, or what router model you have to know what options it has. If someone tries to connect using your IP that is outwards facing (the one the ISP gives your modem), can you connect that way, not using the no ip service?


Aug 23, 2016

Sorry for answering so late, could you maybe explain it a liiitle bit more?