How much storage should I get for SSD?


Aug 14, 2014
Games: (COD BO III, Battlefront, Overwatch, League, Hearthstone, maybe more)
Applications: (full adobe suite, Microsoft office, Applications used for programming/coding (idk how much space those applications will take up), applications for video editing, animations), VR stuff, graphic design, visual effects, game design

I plan to get an additional HDD for off-putting finish projects/files and things I don't need blazing fast SSD speed to load.

Trouble I'm having is is that idk how much space the applications will take up. Like for graphic design, animations, visual effects applications, video editing, graphic design, game design applications, etc. I don't know how much GB those will take up. Hypothetically, I know when I have video footage (especially 4k) that'll take up a lot of space and I'm unsure if I could have the video files on my HDD and just use the editing applications on my SSD to edit the footage or if the footage needs to be on the SSD.

I don't want to get a 1TB SSD and only end up using 300GB or if I get a 500GB SSD, and use up 90% of it (people say if you use like 75% of and SSD or whatever % it was that it slows down/degrades) and may need more space.
250GB will get filled quickly. I would suggest at least 500GB if you can afford it. I don't think you'd ever regret 1TB for that matter. I have a 500GB and with 90% over-provisioning, I only have 119GB left after just a few months, and that's with a 4TB HD for data.


How large depends on all the drives in the system, and what you will be using it for.

If this is the only drive, 500GB might be too small.
If this is just the OS drive, 500GB might be too large.

The best option is a combination.
250-500GB for the OS and applications (applications don't really take up that much space)
1-2-3TB HDD for all that other stuff that does take up space.


Aug 14, 2014

Yes I will have an SSD and an HDD. I would like to have all my games on the SSD but my brother was telling me that's stupid to have COD BO III and other games that take up 80GB+ on an SSD. Do applications really don't take up a lot of space? That's the problem I'm having because I don't know how much video editing, graphic design, virtual reality, game designing, visual effects, programing/coding, and animating applications will take up. I'd think they are a lot but I have no factual evidence to back to this up so I really have no clue.


250GB will get filled quickly. I would suggest at least 500GB if you can afford it. I don't think you'd ever regret 1TB for that matter. I have a 500GB and with 90% over-provisioning, I only have 119GB left after just a few months, and that's with a 4TB HD for data.