Any Pro's out there? 2xGPU and 2 Screens (UHD+Full-HD): Scalling issues solved?

Xtro BLn

Aug 28, 2016

you may heard of Windows 10 Scaling Issues if you like to use a dual monitor setup: 1 UHD Screen (125% scaling) together with a 2nd: Full-HD Screen (native scaling 100%).

Under Windows 10 (including anniversary update), your 2nd Screen is always blurry, not sharp. Microsoft can't handle different scalings on multi-monitor setups.

My question ist: Whta happens, if you use 2 graphic cards simultanuously under Windows 10, but NOT (!) in an SLI-environment. 1 graphic card is powering an UHD-Monitor, the other Graphic Card is powering a full-HD Monitor.

Anybody who ever tried this or has the opportunity to test this?

Will it still be blurry on one screen?
can you still move Applications from one Monitor to another?

Any help would be appreciated
Haven't tried, but here's my theory. Basically you'd be running the PC twice but it would think it has one graphics card with one monitor and the other graphics card with the other monitor. As to moving probably not. All your mouse movements and keyboard strokes would be registered on both monitors. It would be like duplicating your display.
Haven't tried, but here's my theory. Basically you'd be running the PC twice but it would think it has one graphics card with one monitor and the other graphics card with the other monitor. As to moving probably not. All your mouse movements and keyboard strokes would be registered on both monitors. It would be like duplicating your display.