Bad GPU? 1070


Oct 20, 2015
So i build pc to my friend. Specs are these:
Asus Maximus Ranger LGA 1151
16GB G.skill DDR4 3200
250GB Samsung Evo 750
1070 Gigabyte G1
Win 10
corsair RMx RM750X

So the first symptoms where that with DVI and HDMI cables (2 monitors) one screen would turn off and second would freeze.

After venturing on the internet searching for sollution. Skylake pc's seem to have some problems with Win10, so i recomended him to trun off XMP, runn Memtest and also turn Cstates off from bios. It worked fine for a while, after that freezes all over again.

Recomended him to uninstall GPU drivers with driver uninstaller in safe mode and just let windows to download drivers on its own. Same thing, freezing. Also in the bios started to freeze

Last resort was that switched GPU from 16x slot to the 8x slot, tried to install new drivers from nvidia website, screens turned black, and when trying to boot into windows it would just freeze.

Now the GPU is of from the system. It did get BSOD named " whea uncorrectalbe error". (Now BSOD no freezing witch is good sing). Uninstalled nvidia drivers and now testing.

And it randomly freezes with GPU. One time it ran fine for 6 hours, other times it would freeze after 1 hour.

Is these kind of symptoms that in 8X or 16X slot it would just completely freeze, indicate that the GPU is the fault?