What Should I Upgrade First?


Sep 1, 2016
I have had my rig for a few years and finally decided to get my butt in gear and, instead of getting my uncle to put old parts together, I learnt how to put a system together myself. Now I just need advice on which parts I should replace first.

(PC Specs)
CPU - AMD FX 4300 Quad Core 3.8GHz
PSU - Coolermaster G750M 750W
GPU - Geforce GTX 650
RAM - 1x8GB
MOBO - MSI 970 Gaming
(PC Specs)

I was pretty sure I wanted to upgrade my GPU to a newer 1070 however, I realised that my CPU is pretty outdated as well and I'd prefer an intel CPU such as a Core i5 6600K, which would also mean changing mobo but, I would like an opinion on what to upgrade first.

Thanks :)
Any good GPU will be bottlenecked by your processor, but that won't stop it from working much better from your actual one. So if you wanna a real difference now with GAMES, i'd suggest a good GPU. There is the RX 480 and the GTX 1060 now, if they are at the same prince i'd go with the GTX, if the RX is cheaper, go with it. If you wanna play just with 1080p that is.
If you wanna go higher, 1440p for example, go with the GTX 1070 or above.

As i said, for gaming, the GPU is the fundamental part, if you wanna work faster you gotta upgrade your CPU and RAM ( 2x8GB with Dual-Channel ). There are some i5 Intel processor, ( i'd choose them over AMD, even that they're more expensive ) that with a nice touch of overclock can hold on very...


To get the best gain in performance in gaming, upgrading the gpu would be the best option. I am guessing that you are gaming at 1080p, which a 1070 is kinda overkill for. I would suggest getting a rx 480. If you have some left over budget you should put that towards a future cpu upgrade. I would wait until kaby lake and amd zen come out, if you can. I would say spend about 200 on a cpu and around 100 on a mobo.


Any good GPU will be bottlenecked by your processor, but that won't stop it from working much better from your actual one. So if you wanna a real difference now with GAMES, i'd suggest a good GPU. There is the RX 480 and the GTX 1060 now, if they are at the same prince i'd go with the GTX, if the RX is cheaper, go with it. If you wanna play just with 1080p that is.
If you wanna go higher, 1440p for example, go with the GTX 1070 or above.

As i said, for gaming, the GPU is the fundamental part, if you wanna work faster you gotta upgrade your CPU and RAM ( 2x8GB with Dual-Channel ). There are some i5 Intel processor, ( i'd choose them over AMD, even that they're more expensive ) that with a nice touch of overclock can hold on very easily to all program needs.

Check these lists, they're very reliable about perfomances:


For games : Go for a GPU Upgrade
For work: Go for a CPU Upgrade



Sep 1, 2016

Thanks for the reply so soon however, I was thinking of getting a 1070 for a 3K gaming setup. I am currently gaming at 1080p but, I was hoping to upgrade to a 3K setup. I also like the idea of waiting for the Kaby Lake or the Zen, so I will most likely wait for some reviews of those to come out and decide then. Thanks for your help :)



Sep 1, 2016

Thanks for replying. I think I will start with the 1070 and then upgrade my CPU later on in the year because gaming is my main priority. I will then wait for the next gen CPUs. While waiting I might upgrade my RAM to 2x8GB sticks. Thanks for your help :)



You're welcome, get two 1866Mhz RAM and overclock them since your mobo support 'til 2300Mhz and go fast! :pt1cable: