Need Help! Did I ruin my extension cable box?


Sep 9, 2016
So, today I * up. I carried a glass of milk to my room and a bit of it went over the sides of the glass, falling down on the floor. Most of it just hit the ground and could be easily removed.

The problem is, some of the milk (not much, about 5ml I'd wager) went into my extension cable box that I use to power my PC - I immediatly shut off the PC and unplugged all cables from the box, I am now running the PC through another extension cable. The milk didn't do much to the box, although I could hear a slight fizzing for a short time.

My question would be, is the box still safe to use? And do I have to clean it somehow? I removed the milk and cleaned the cables already, box is airdrying at the moment.

As soon as I find out how to upload files from my PC to this website, I will provide pictures of the box and the one I am using now.

Thanks in advance.



Jun 29, 2016

If it is not already broken, after it is fully dried it should be okay to use; were it me in that position i'd opt for getting a new one to be safe, especially when connecting a PC to it.


Sep 9, 2016
If it is not already broken, after it is fully dried it should be okay to use; were it me in that position i'd opt for getting a new one to be safe, especially when connecting a PC to it.

I don't think its broken, as it kept the PC running even after the milk went in, I manually turned off the PC and disconnected the cables. Maybe I could test if its still safe by letting it dry for a few hours and then trying to connect a low value device to it?

Thanks for the quick answer!