Need help with software


Nov 14, 2015
So I have a computer class every other day that's 3 hours out of my school day. After we finish our work me and my friends play old lan games (that slip by port blocks) I know that bypassing blocked ports with things like open vpn is risky. But I've been getting bored of old games and want to play things like overwatch. I've been reading that opening TeamViewer on your home pc and connecting on the school pc is the way to go but I haven't used teamviewer in a while and remember it always being like 10 fps is there a similar program that gets better fps? Or a better solution all together? (P.s. I use psiphon to browse the web but it doesn't bypass ports and all blizzard ports are blocked but steam isn't) also please don't respond to this thread with only the purpose of being toxic or snarky.