Can driver optimization over a long time have a significant impact on performance?


Sep 13, 2016
Hey guys, so I was wondering with the recent release of the 10 series cards by Nvidia and AMDs new RX series cards how much driver optimization would help to increase frames and performance out of these cards and whether it would be a significant amount?

Many retailers are selling 980 Tis for very low prices and the difference in performance between them and the 1070 is minimal taking into account the price. But of course I was wondering if that gap would get larger with driver optimization etc because at the moment I'm stuck if I should get a 980 Ti or 1060. And obviously if frames will improve on the newer cards through optimization I may just pick up a 1060.
Well, If the 980ti priced as 1060 - get 980ti.
The driver optimization on nvidia side is usually improves stability and fixes issues - the performance improvement over time is not significant.