New pc gamer question


Sep 14, 2016
Hello! so i have a personal question regarding pc gaming. So I've broken my right hand many times just about every knuckle really (i used to box and punch hard stuff like an idiot). Now sometimes i get aches and pains and recently decided to join the master race. Will the mouse be a big issue due to my hand injuries? My old ps4 controller never gave me an issue by the way.
you can buy a left hand mouse and switch it in windows settings! itll take some getting used to though. otherwise your wrist is more likely to ache than your fingers. they really just sit in a neutral position as long as you get the right mouse.
you can buy a left hand mouse and switch it in windows settings! itll take some getting used to though. otherwise your wrist is more likely to ache than your fingers. they really just sit in a neutral position as long as you get the right mouse.


Apr 9, 2016
One small suggestion- raise your chair so the arm rest is level with the desk. That way your elbow rests on the arm rest, your wrist (or ball of the hand) rests on the desk and there's no 'lifting or keeping-your-arm or wrist up' tension.

There should be no finger or gripping tension because, as the previous poster mentioned, your fingers just 'rest' on the mouse.

Cade S

May 17, 2016

I personally seem to have more aching with my keyboard hand, yet I never have issues with my mouse hand. I think OP should just try it out a friends house. Maybe adjust his/her chair to get a comfortable and accurate reading of how it would be. Also, if your hand gets worn out, you can install a program called DS4 that lets you use your PS4 controller on your PC. How dandy is that? Best of luck, hope your injury doesn't get in the way of gaming!