Pascal Titan X vs SLI 1080?

For games that are properly optimized for SLI, of which there aren't that many, two 1080's would perform better. However, SLI support is spotty at best and doesn't always work smoothly.

For the best overall performance and stability, the higher performing single card is always preferred to SLI; with that said, Titan X would guarantee you the better overall experience. If you also plan to get into VR, Titan X is the better option as there are no SLI benefits in VR whatsoever at present.


For games that are properly optimized for SLI, of which there aren't that many, two 1080's would perform better. However, SLI support is spotty at best and doesn't always work smoothly.

For the best overall performance and stability, the higher performing single card is always preferred to SLI; with that said, Titan X would guarantee you the better overall experience. If you also plan to get into VR, Titan X is the better option as there are no SLI benefits in VR whatsoever at present.