PC Lags for about 1 minute


Sep 20, 2016
The OS lags and all my open programs stop responding for a while, I can still open or minimize windows. Cursor still moves and reacts on hovering different icons/letters and right clicks.

Event Viewer shows this Warnings:

svchost (6988) Unistore: Um pedido para ler a partir do ficheiro "C:\Users\Pedro Frazão\AppData\Local\Comms\UnistoreDB\store.vol" no deslocamento 1753088 (0x00000000001ac000) para 4096 (0x00001000) bytes foi bem sucedido, mas demorou demasiado tempo (31 segundos) a ser assistido pelo OS. Além disso, outros 12 pedidos de E/S a este ficheiro também demoraram demasiado tempo a serem assistidos desde a colocação da última mensagem relativa a este problema há 7136 segundos. Provavelmente, este problema deve-se a falhas no hardware. Contacte o fornecedor de hardware para obter assistência para diagnosticar o problema.

It's in portuguese, this error repeats himself from the amount of windows I have open plus 2 or 3 they are all simillar only changing the memory adress and the process ID/Name.

Is this because of my RAM? Disk?

Any ideas? Thanks
svchost (6988) Unistore: A request to read from the file "C: \ Users \ Pedro Frazão \ AppData \ Local \ Comms \ UnistoreDB \ store.vol" at offset 1753088 (0x00000000001ac000) to 4096 (0x00001000) bytes was successful but it took too long (31 seconds) to be assisted by the OS. In addition, other applications 12 / O for this file also took too long to be watched from the placement of the last message on this problem for 7136/2. Probably, this problem is due to hardware failures. Contact your hardware vendor for assistance to diagnose the problem.

Failing hard drive is possible. Does your PC have a light that flashes when disk drive is used? If so is it on solid.

Device manager will show you the brand of hard drive you are using (seagate, Western Digital, Hitachi, etc.) Go to their web site and download their diagnostics package. Run the extended smart test and see what it says.


Sep 20, 2016

That test was made with OCZ SSD Utility wich is my ssd's software.
Are you still getting the hardware error message that says long IO times ? " A request to read from the file "C: \ Users \ Pedro Frazão \ AppData \ Local \ Comms \ UnistoreDB \ store.vol" at offset 1753088 (0x00000000001ac000) to 4096 (0x00001000) bytes was successful but it took too long (31 seconds)"