Tails OS + TOR related question


Jun 16, 2016
Hey everyone,

I have a little laptop (not my main one) on which I would like to use Tails OS with the TOR browser. I do not have bad or illegal intentions. I just want to learn. For me, the best way to learn is to try it for myself. Except the problem comes in terms of legal issues. No one seems to have a legitimate and quite confident answer on if it's legal or not. I mean if I'm not doing anything wrong, then I should have no problems whatsoever but I would just like to be sure. I live in Canada if that helps.

Thank you in advance,

Again, they are not 'illegal'.
Might using it raise the NSA spy services from 0.01 to 0.03? Maybe.

Privacy, in terms of Tails, only exists between you and the border of whatever service or server you are connecting to. For instance...it does not transmit any cookies.
OK, great. But that means that you, the end user, has to do a whole lot more logging in all the time.
There is little in the Tails distro that you can't configure yourself in any other Linux distro. In Tails, it is all already there.

Ease of use vs security.

Recommendation? Make a Tails Live CD.
Boot from that, and run the OS. Do what you please. At power off, everything you did (on that PC) disappears into BitHeaven.
And accept the absolute...


Jun 16, 2016

Hey USAFRet,

Let me start off by thanking you for the quick reply! I'm not a fan of the whole "NSA spying on everyone" thing. I do not have anything to hide or whatsoever but some privacy is always nice. Learning to use more Linux distributions will also help me as an IT specialist, programmer and so on. The problem is I heard that when you use Tails OS and the TOR browser, you are even more watched and spied on than usual by the authorities because of the fact that you leave barely any footprints behind when using these tools so it raises suspicions about you. As I've mentioned earlier, I have no bad intentions but I just wanted to know what others know and think about this idea.


Again, they are not 'illegal'.
Might using it raise the NSA spy services from 0.01 to 0.03? Maybe.

Privacy, in terms of Tails, only exists between you and the border of whatever service or server you are connecting to. For instance...it does not transmit any cookies.
OK, great. But that means that you, the end user, has to do a whole lot more logging in all the time.
There is little in the Tails distro that you can't configure yourself in any other Linux distro. In Tails, it is all already there.

Ease of use vs security.

Recommendation? Make a Tails Live CD.
Boot from that, and run the OS. Do what you please. At power off, everything you did (on that PC) disappears into BitHeaven.
And accept the absolute slowness of pushing everything through Tor.