Internet speed slow on wifi with 100mb/100mb connection..


Sep 22, 2016
Yesterday I had AT&T come out to my house and upgrade me to a 100mb/100mb connection. On some devices I am getting good speeds, on others really terrible speeds. I do not know what could be the cause so I am looking for some insight.

iMac - 1mb/5mb
Samsung S6 - 100/100
Samsung S7 - 100/100
Custom Gaming PC
*w/ Netgear WNCE2001 - 40/40
*w/ Panda PAU06 Wireless Adapter - 15/15
Surface Pro 3 30/30 (I have tested the surface at other times when it got 100/100, but its generally lower)

When I connect to the modem wired, the speed is 100/100.

So what's allowing my Galaxy phones to have much higher speeds than my other devices? Why the heck is the iMac only getting 1mb download speeds? Since my Gaming PC gets different speeds depending on wireless adapter I am using, it makes me think I dont have wireless devices on my computers, but everything I have is rated for 300MB.

Thanks for any help