5400 rpm Laptop HDD in RAID 0


Jan 22, 2016
Is it possible with a raid card from ebay? I see things like: "dropping out of my raid" on the internet and i would not be happy with that. I have 2 500GB Laptop drives.


Your question lacks important details.

Is RAID 0 using laptop drives possible using a RAID card from ebay? - Yes.
Is it a good idea to do this? - Maybe, maybe not. Depends on what you're trying to do.
Is the likelihood of failure higher? - It's exactly twice as likely to fail on you as a single drive.
As long as you can access your BIOS to build the array before installing OS then yes you can run a laptop with two hdd's in RAID0 (pointless if it's two partitions of the same disk) and yes you will see a performance increase provided your board supports speeds of SATA III or higher.

You cant use a disk with an OS already installed to form a RAID0 array though.