Problems with GTA V on my GTX 1060


Sep 12, 2016
Hello Community,
i recently installed my 1060 and most games I own work fine.
But in GTA V, I put most of the settings on Very High and some on High and the FPS often drop to ~45, but benchmarks say i should be able to run everything on max settings with 60fps. Additionally, Vsync doesnt work, the image is getting very cropped as if vsync was off, although i've truned it ON in game settings and set adaptive on the Nvidia control panel.
Could you please Help me fix this. I will send sceenshots on request when needed.
Thanks in advance !

My Setup:
ASUS Strix OC GTX 1060 6GB
Intel i5 4460 @ 3,2Ghz
Asus Z-97K
16gb RAM (4x 4096MB Corsair Vengeance LP DDR3-1600 DIMM)
650 Watt Corsair RM Series

Yeah Witcher III doesnt seem to be as demanding as GTA V framerate wise. I went all through that issue with GTA V myself, and the game looks awful when MSAA is down to x2. Tbh I dont think its a very well written game for the PC platform and there is an endless lists of complaints about it online. From what I can gather, the really high settings for that game require higher res/faster frequency monitors to display correctly. The ultra setting basically arent designed for 1080p, but play around with the settings and try to get a 60 framerate while utilising around 90% of your GPU and eventually you should find a balance. You may have to sacrifice texture/particle quality to get rid of the aliasing issues running at x4 without overloading...
I'd be surprised if you could run it at max with that CPU and GPU. What resolution/hertz monitor are you outputting to? Try turning the MSAA down to x2 and see if the FPS go up. It's really demanding on GTA V I found. Also, try borderless window instead of full screen.


Sep 12, 2016
max 75hz, 1920x1080.
I've tried what you told me, the fps now drops to ~50, vsync still doesnt work and with the msaa x2 the game looks like shit...
My PC can run Witcher 3 on ultra/very high settings very smoothly on almost locked 60fps.
Yeah Witcher III doesnt seem to be as demanding as GTA V framerate wise. I went all through that issue with GTA V myself, and the game looks awful when MSAA is down to x2. Tbh I dont think its a very well written game for the PC platform and there is an endless lists of complaints about it online. From what I can gather, the really high settings for that game require higher res/faster frequency monitors to display correctly. The ultra setting basically arent designed for 1080p, but play around with the settings and try to get a 60 framerate while utilising around 90% of your GPU and eventually you should find a balance. You may have to sacrifice texture/particle quality to get rid of the aliasing issues running at x4 without overloading the GPU. As for the screen thing, theres a setting inside GTA V called safe zone where you can resize the display. Try that maybe.



install msi afterburner, set fps limit to whatever you want

leave msaa at x4

turn off the advanced graphics features, like long shadows, frame scaling, and high detail streaming while flying

make sure extended distance scaling and extended shadow distance are lower than half, tweak these to get a balance between performance and aesthetic