Old PC Game


Mar 22, 2016
While i was looking for the first game that i played when i was little (it was duke nukem 3d) i remembered a game that i cant find it on youtube or google with tons of search done

the game is about u play as a girl or a man , they are standing next to a big door , when u choose one of the charterers he or she go out of the door , then the game starts where u are in a graveyard (as far as i can remember) then you fight skeletons and i think there was other creatures i dont know how they look like , and i think it was similar to the old tomb rider games , like the mechanics and shit like that but i'm not sure

its a pc game i think it was in the 90's

i hope u guys know it and if u can provide me with the name , it will bring back so much memories :love: