Networking Help - Can I hook up 2 Modems?


May 23, 2015
So I am a FiOS Customer. My Modem is on one side of the house, where my cable box is, my TV, My PS3, My Chromecast, so we want to maintain this as a direct wired connection to these devices (nothing like streaming over wifi to a HD TV and getting a crappy signal).

My computer will now be living on the other side of my home. Running a direct wire from the router to the computer is really not a possibility right now. It would require me getting an HVAC guy in to remove duct work, run the wire, then have the duct work put back in. I do have a working cable jack where the computer is. Is it possible to set up either a second modem? Or something (its a technical term, for, "I dont really know what is out there")?