Oct '16 - Should I buy a GTX 1070 now or wait?


Jun 7, 2013
My current card is an R9 390 Sapphire, which is performing well for me. But I'm looking to move from AMD back to Nvidia because I prefer the user experience.

At the moment, the Nvidia 1070 seems the best card to get in terms of price/performance, but I'm aware AMD don't currently have any competing cards at the GTX 1070/1080 level.

My question: should I go for the 1070 now, or wait to see what AMD's next move will be? (Or even which Ti cards we might see from Nvidia?)

My setup:

I currently use a 144 Hz 1920x1080p monitor, but will upgrade to a 100 Hz ultra-wide 3440x1440 monitor early next year. This is why I'm looking at the 1070 rather than the 1060. I have an i7 4770K so I don't expect any CPU bottleneck.

TL;DR: I want to go with Nvidia not AMD, should I wait or buy a GTX 1070 now?

Thanks in advance for your help :)
Speaking from experience, if you're buying now I'd get a 1080 or upcoming 1080 Ti. I say this as you mention upgrading to a 3440 x 1440 100Hz panel. I'm using same resolution on my 60hz ultra-wide panel. With settings maxed out(Witcher 3, FO4, DA:I) I avg. around 75 FPS with V-sync off. This is with my i7 5820k and GTX 1080 OC'd. Based on this, in my opinion a 1070 wouldn't be enough power for the premium 100Hz ultra-wide panels. You could always lower settings a bit, but that kinda defeats the purpose to me for buying these high-end parts.
the reported 1080TI might push retail prices of the 1080 down but may have less of an effect on the 1070. If amd's next release, which some rumors are saying will be quite powerful, is in the same ball park price wise as the 1080 or 1070 it could also push prices down (assuming the power rumors are true which I doubt)

those are your reasons to wait. Not that either of those upcoming cards will be viable options but that they may shake up the retail prices of the 1070 you are after. I'd lean more towards any new products being massively overpriced at launch 600+ so I wouldn't expect a lot of movement on the 1070 for a while after launch.


Jun 7, 2013
Thanks, that's really useful. I'm quite new to the GPU market (only been watching the market for a year or so), so I appreciate your advice. It sounds like I may as well get the 1070 now rather than wait.
Any other advice/opinions are more than welcome!
Speaking from experience, if you're buying now I'd get a 1080 or upcoming 1080 Ti. I say this as you mention upgrading to a 3440 x 1440 100Hz panel. I'm using same resolution on my 60hz ultra-wide panel. With settings maxed out(Witcher 3, FO4, DA:I) I avg. around 75 FPS with V-sync off. This is with my i7 5820k and GTX 1080 OC'd. Based on this, in my opinion a 1070 wouldn't be enough power for the premium 100Hz ultra-wide panels. You could always lower settings a bit, but that kinda defeats the purpose to me for buying these high-end parts.