have i been scammed by the local phone shop


Sep 10, 2014
was having problems with people not hearing me clealry when i ring them
they describe it as ``sounding like i have fallen down a well``

i took them to a phone shop
i got my cellphone looked at and opened, it all took 5 minutes he opened it, wiped the inside (without replacing anything), put the top on it and said `problem solved`

i went outside the shop and rung him to check, and he said ``its fine my friend i can hear u clearly``

in the week since, everyone i ring says its very blurry, no matter how good my signal is!

however when i ring the phone shop guy, he says ``its fine my friend`` :(

ive just spent 10 min on the fone to dominos trying to place a pizza order and they couldnt hear a word im saying

how can i ask for my money back, without calling him a lier :( but he seems to be the only person in the world who can hear me clearly when i call

Good suggestion. Bet he won't do it as it would give him away. :D

Good suggestion. Bet he won't do it as it would give him away. :D