Effective troubleshooter practice

Question from Melvin2jah : "Effective troubleshooter practice"

Hello... APPs Calls can cause them... and OS Calls can cause them... and hardware can cause them... We need to fix/look at them in that order first.

1) Do you have any RED or Yellow marks in your Control panel-Device manager?
2) kernel 41 errors mean the OS was not properly shut down... either by You OR the hardware.

Here is the Windows Event Viewer debug screen... You NEED to be logged on as administrator to the OS...

Right click computer-manage-System Tools-Event Viewer-Windows logs-system.... Click on the "RED" "Critical" errors, for more information... and files/drivers/Apps, comments/suggestions/information, General/Details associated with them B )

Expanding Window panes and Posting screen images from here will help us, help you faster... But copy and posting text will work too B )