CPU/GPU benchmark scores



Can I compare CPUs and GPUs with their benchmark scores?
If so, will it be an accurate and valid comparison?
If you're asking is it essentially a 1:1 comparison... No, it isn't, they are two pieces of hardware that operate in completely different ways. If you're asking if you can tell if two are balanced for a system, then yes theoretically you could, but that would vary largely on what applications you would be using and how they are utilized.


If you're asking is it essentially a 1:1 comparison... No, it isn't, they are two pieces of hardware that operate in completely different ways. If you're asking if you can tell if two are balanced for a system, then yes theoretically you could, but that would vary largely on what applications you would be using and how they are utilized.


more like general estimates
CPU vs CPU sure
GPU vs GPU sure
GPU vs CPU. not really. they do different work altogether.
like trying to compare a plumber to a vascular surgeon, they both deal with pipes of a sort but they are in no way comparable to each others jobs.
a vascular surgeon would be absolute last the person I call when I need to stop the leaking in my bathroom.