Keyboard typing wrong letters and multiple letters


Nov 14, 2016
Hello everyone,i have asus cerberus gaming keyboard and when i want to put 1 letter it shows me two or more lette(On blue light of keyboard).Also when i want to put any letter it show me a different letter(On red light of keyboard)
Look(Blue keyboard):hello eveeryone my nnamee iss laazar aand i needd your help,,sso if u can help me reeply oon this poost pplease.
Now look at red light:hwpppi wwvwwryyiccw dy cssdw iss psszsr scff i cwwwf yyiyrr hwpp(I typed:hello my name is lazar and i need your help)
I tried with changing a language and with fn+num lock but it not working.
Hello. The problem lies with your keyboard, not windows. Asus recently gave a new firmware for it which resolves your issues:
Asus Cerberus Firmware

Simply run the supplied exe file and it will patch your firmware to the latest version, solving your issues.