What Hardware Materials do I need to create a Wireless Point-to-Multipoint Connection?


May 21, 2016
My main target is to connect mobile devices under a local area network through a main server wherein it can send and receive information from other points. The points can emit a wifi signal so that devices are connected to each other. The network doesn't have to be connected to the internet.

Basically instead of having multiple local area networks connect to the internet, I want multiple local area networks to be connected to a single server instead (max distance between the central point and a point is 2km)

P.S.: I still don't have enough knowledge so if my statement above feels vague feel free to say so so that I can try to make it more clear.

maybe i am misunderstanding what they are trying to achieve

hopefully they will clarify it



May 21, 2016

Basically my main aim is to create a mobile app, which will allows users to interact with each other, that is only available to an area using a local area network(not connected to the internet but instead, to a server inside the area), but to do that I need to set-up first a local area network with a wide coverage area using IEEE 802.11 if possible.