Is this a stupid approach?


Feb 14, 2011
I don't know if this is a good idea or not.
In an attempt to lock down external access to my home network I was thinking of assigning static ip addresses to all MYdevices that access my network. Then blocking any access from the remaining ip address range, if I can on a Home Hub 6.
Does this actually add additional security or am I just showing my lack of knowledge :)?
if you know how many items and or devices that connect to your router I woudl like the previuous post;

1. make a strong password, Upper lower case number and !@#$%^&*()_+ characters. Make it at least 10-15 characters
2. some routers permit to not let "anyone connect" unless they have their MAC address granted access, (what I use here), which mean instead of setting up static IP, you leave DHCP work its magic, but if you did not enter the MAC address in the router, even with the password, it is not going to be allowed to connect.
if you know how many items and or devices that connect to your router I woudl like the previuous post;

1. make a strong password, Upper lower case number and !@#$%^&*()_+ characters. Make it at least 10-15 characters
2. some routers permit to not let "anyone connect" unless they have their MAC address granted access, (what I use here), which mean instead of setting up static IP, you leave DHCP work its magic, but if you did not enter the MAC address in the router, even with the password, it is not going to be allowed to connect.