What wire do I need to connect the xbox 360 in PC (to play games)


May 10, 2016
I have a xbox 360 which came with an wireless controller. And I've asked myself how can I play on PC with the controller

There are two methods : wireless and wired. What I'm asking is what wire do I need for my controller in order to play games on PC (MK, Fifa, etc)? It didn't came together with the console.

You need the Xbox 360 "plug and play" wire, I think it's called. Since the controller is wireless, it should've come with a cable that allows you to plug it into the controller at one end, with the other end being a USB end that allows you to plug it into the console for charging. Likewise, it can be plugged into the PC for use like this as well.

As for wireless, you cannot use an Xbox 360 wireless connection on a PC. Only the Xbox One controller with the official dongle works.


Mar 27, 2016
You need the Xbox 360 "plug and play" wire, I think it's called. Since the controller is wireless, it should've come with a cable that allows you to plug it into the controller at one end, with the other end being a USB end that allows you to plug it into the console for charging. Likewise, it can be plugged into the PC for use like this as well.

As for wireless, you cannot use an Xbox 360 wireless connection on a PC. Only the Xbox One controller with the official dongle works.


May 23, 2017

Just saying, they HAVE made an official wireless dongle for an Xbox 360 controller to connect to PC. Heck, with a MicroUSB to OTG cable, you can even make it work on some phones. In conclusion, you CAN connect your xbox 360 controller to PC. The Plug and Play cord is only for charging your Xbox 360 controller, and only comes with Xbox 360 controllers that say that the cord is included with the controller.
If you want to buy a wireless reciever, here is a link to the one I bought for my PC: https://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Authentic-Wireless-Receiver-Windows/dp/B00FAS1WDG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1495584021&sr=8-1&keywords=xbox+360+wireless+receiver
P.S. the game needs to support use of external controllers (MK and Fifa work, but not all games do.) You could try the Windows store on Windows 8 and up, as all games in the store are digital and support external controllers.