Upgrading Graphics Card on HP Envy 750-150


Dec 3, 2016
I was going to build a PC last Christmas, but while at the store buying more RAM, my Dad found a prebuilt that was pretty good. I am not the best with computer parts, so any help would be great!

Right Now I have a:
• 6th generation Intel® Core™ i7-6700 processor(2b)
• 500W Power Supply

I have a GTX 960 right now, and was wanting to upgrade to a 1070. My only concerns are
1. Graphics card is not compatible with everything on my computer
2. Graphics card might be too big
(I was wondering if a Mini 1070 would work)

Here are the full specs if anyone would like to look

Do you think a upgrade could be possible? Or would I have to Buy a new powersuply and such. Thanks!