Rumors around minecraft currently, wanting to know a confirmation of this internet tweak


Dec 4, 2016
So, the competitive pvp community in minecraft is dieing. People have been using internet tweak called "regedit" they say. They open regedit. Put values in:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters].
Then they claim it gives "less knockback and better hit detection." Sometimes even make a video of it trying to get likes/views on youtube.

From my testing, some of the values did affect stuff while other didn't.

Heres an example of what some of the values are.
(shown from a .reg file)

The most common one is TCPNoDelay and TcpAckFrequency

To sum this up, people are making minecraft a more ping based game then it should be.

P.S Do these values even do anything? Do they actually make your internet better or is this just a big rumor?
P.S.S They are doing the same thing with DNS (in ipv4) lol
Regedit is a program built into windows. It's basically a phonebook for your computer, so your computer knows where all the files "live."

Playing around with it can be dangerous, but also beneficial.

Dunno about this specific minecraft case though.
If something like that actually changed anything in the game files that would make a measurable difference in game they would be auto kicked from servers when attempting to use it. Almost any non-vanilla server will kick players who break certain boundaries, such as moving incorrectly, attacking too fast, etc.

So no, its clickbait and hot air.
Regedit is a program built into windows. It's basically a phonebook for your computer, so your computer knows where all the files "live."

Playing around with it can be dangerous, but also beneficial.

Dunno about this specific minecraft case though.


Dec 4, 2016

Its not in the game files though, it has something to do with sending packets i think.


Dec 4, 2016

+1, Regedit is an absolute crazy thing for people to mess with on this game. It somehow got itself to minecraft thanks to this thread.

It was brought into minecraft thanks to Archybot, a owner of the biggest competitive pvp server (yet the only thing people play is one gamemode, most of the people that play other gamemodes go somewhere else). After he posted this, people started using regedit and somehow gave them that sort of weird knockback/hit detection. and then 5 months later the community died to these regedit settings becoming huge and game changing.