Ps4 pro 4k

Max Lackett

Apr 1, 2014
I bought a ps4 pro intending to use 4k on it. I have a Samsung 60 inch (ku6300) which I'm pretty sure supports the 4k..has a 10 bit panel im reading. And the necessary HDMI inputs. Anyway, on the ps4 pro, both 4k options aren't available. I do have a reciver that goes in-between the two. Could the reciver have something to do with it unsupported?

There's a quick way to find out if it's the receiver, bypass it, plug the ps4 directly into the TV.



There's a quick way to find out if it's the receiver, bypass it, plug the ps4 directly into the TV.
Don`t forget that many devices if in between the PS4 pro you have and your 4k tv may not have a Hdmi 1.4 to 2.0 specification port on the device.

That would lead the PS 4 unable or the HDR/ 4K resolution option grayed out in the PS4 system setup options of the console

So like the other poster said I would try a direct connection from the PS4 to the TV.