Need motherboard recommendation


Sep 10, 2016
Okay so I'm trying to build a gaming PC for Christmas. My current part list is as follows
The problem is that I'm not sure what motherboard to get. I've done extensive research already & everytime I see a build around $1000, the motherboard is different. I'm just looking for a compatible one for my build that is preferably regular ATX to fit in my case well. I also want one that is more of a neutral color to fit my RGB build & under $100. I don't see myself using SLI, so expansion slots are not an issue. And as of right now I have 4x4GB of ram. I would like to know if I should just make that 2x8GB instead because I've heard that it depends on the motherboard. And a side note: I'm not sure this matters but I plan to play on a 1440p monitor. Thank you so much for the help.