Refurbished GTX 970 or GTX 1060 6GB?


Feb 24, 2006
I can get a refurbished GTX 970 for $180 or should I get a GTX 1060 6GB for $250? Price difference is $70 (not including tax) which I think is a lot for similar performance. I know the GTX 1060 6GB has GTX 980 performance. What do you guys think I should get?

I mostly play Overwatch, StarCraft 2, and CS:GO on a 27" 1440p monitor.
I honestly don't like the 3 GB version of the GTX 1060. It's not simply just a lowering of the VRAM, but it's fundamentally a different GPU. It has 128 fewer CUDA cores than the 6 GB version; 10% CUDA count reduction. I'm annoyed that Nvidia marketed it as a GTX 1060, instead of say GTX 1055, or whatever.

I think the GTX 1060 3 GB will just inch out the GTX 970. The only place where the performance will drag behind by 5 FPS is with high VRAM usage games, such as Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Changed my mind: Your follow-up question has made me...


Aug 9, 2016
If you're going for 1440p, then definitely go for the newer, faster, more efficient, and higher RAM GTX 1060.

You stated that the price difference is bothering you. If you want something in between, have you considered the RX 480 4G?


Feb 24, 2006

I looked at the RX 480 4GB and it is around $220-240 at my local Microcenter; not worth the cost in my opinion. The RX 480 8GB models are closer to $240-$260 which is GTX 1060 6GB territory.
I'd like the refurbed GTX 970 more for $20 less than that price, but between your two choices, I'd probably go for the 970. Normally I wouldn't buy a GTX 970 for 1440p resolution but for Overwatch, Starcraft 2 and CSGO, it'll be more than sufficient. This is especially the case because I suspect your 1440p display is 60 Hz.

I'm excited for you because a GTX 970 will be a big step up from a GTX 570. Enjoy your gaming. I'm a huge Overwatch fan, and I'm a mercy main.
Random thought: I noticed the Samsung 840 EVO listed in your signature. Please make sure that you have the Samsung Magician utility installed:

Be sure to run the OS Optimization and the Performance Optimization. Having Magician will increase allow your SSD To run at it's maximum speed, and is especially important with the 840 EVO because of a performance and data reliability bug when it was initially released. I used to own that model. As long as you're upgraded to the latest firmware version, you'll have nothing to worry about.


Feb 24, 2006
Thank you for your input. I just noticed that there is a GTX 1060 3GB for $189.99 (compact version) at Microcenter. Do you think this is a better deal for $10 more. People keep saying 3GB of VRAM isn't enough, but then again the GTX 970 only has 3.5GB of actual VRAM from what I read.

I love Mercy mains; no team can survive long enough without a good healer. I mostly play D.Va, but I'm decent with other characters.

I did update the firmware on the Samsung 840 EVO; I noticed the slowdown before the bad news came out. Thanks for mentioning it.
I honestly don't like the 3 GB version of the GTX 1060. It's not simply just a lowering of the VRAM, but it's fundamentally a different GPU. It has 128 fewer CUDA cores than the 6 GB version; 10% CUDA count reduction. I'm annoyed that Nvidia marketed it as a GTX 1060, instead of say GTX 1055, or whatever.

I think the GTX 1060 3 GB will just inch out the GTX 970. The only place where the performance will drag behind by 5 FPS is with high VRAM usage games, such as Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Changed my mind: Your follow-up question has made me reverse my position. I would opt for the 6 GB version of the GTX 1060 after-all. Even though you're not playing demanding games now, I want this graphics card to last you for years to come.

Here is what I suggest now: Sell the GTX 570 on Ebay. You'll probably get about $50. Put that money towards the GTX 1060 6 GB. I own the EVGA GTX 1060 SC Gaming 6 GB and I truly love it. On 1920 x 1200 resolution (ultra MSAA 8x) I get 99 - 110 FPS. I'm very happy with this card and I like that it doesn't use a ton of wattage.

EVGA GTX 1060 SC Gaming 6 GB
$259.99 ($4.99 Shipping)