Just how rigged is the arcade game, Stacker?


Oct 25, 2016
Everyone knows the game Stacker is rigged, This is so the owner can payoff the prizes inside the machine before people start winning them (the payoff rate). If the payoff rate has not been met does the game reduce the chance of winning to 0% or would it just turn the winning block into something like 1000 theoretical smaller blocks (that you cant see) that the computer rushers over within lets say 1/4 a second and you have to land on the right one out of the 1000? Or have I guessed it completely wrong and it is another way? I would think that reducing the winning chance to 0 would be illegal. Any relevant knowledge about the odds, coding or how stacker machines work would also be helpful, thanks

Also if there was a better category then PC gaming please let me know

Jeff Kaos

I didn't know what "Stacker" was until I Googled it. If you Google: "Arcade Game Stacker Reddit" you'll find a lot more people on reddit who will probably be able to answer your questions more quickly than you will here. I actually found some pretty interesting threads about Stacker there.