Question on future z270 mb


Has anyone asked if you can put a i7 6700k or an i5 6600k on this motherboard since it is the same socket? Also would there be any benefit to it if it is possible.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?
Im pretty sure you can and the benefit is 24 PCIE lanes on the Z200 series. The Z100 series only has 20 PCIE lanes.


Nice find. cdawall over at TPU found this.

Setting both cpus to the same clock speed had some interesting results with the 6th gen actually being a bit faster then the 7th gen.

It would be nice if some more reviews could confirm or rebuke these results. OK fixed the link


Well you have to take some early results with a grain of salt. Drivers, updates, and firmware, and the software itself can be a big factor.

Tom's review of the 7700k revealed very high temps on one motherboard and good results on another. Soon as the BIOS updates hit the shelves for older boards and the kinks worked out of the new products, you'll probably see the normal 5-10% increase.

I plan on picking one up. Kind of curious to play with Optane but really just want an NVMe drive and a chip that doesn't hate overclocking as much as mine.
Its in the bottom right of the image. IE