Final compatibility check


Mar 11, 2016
Before I hit order I wanna make sure all these parts work. I already have the graphics card and PSU so suggestions to make the build better aren't really an option. Just let me know if the parts will all work together, and also If the case is big enough.

My opinion:

1) The 212 is a fine heatsink (I have one) but $10 more for a Cryorig H7 is worth considering.

2) That's pretty expensive for a Z170 board. Nothing wrong with it, but what features does it have that a $90-100 board does not? Just trying to save you some money here.

3) Hybrid drives are not very good. They're only fractionally faster than traditional drives in a best case scenario and often slower, and more expensive per GB, which is why they never really caught on. If you're on a tight budget, I'd shave it off the motherboard and get a proper 250GB SSD, and if you need more storage later, add a 3.5" HDD.

The case will be fine.

One last bit - I often recommend people go with an i7 6700 + stock cooler + B150 board...
My opinion:

1) The 212 is a fine heatsink (I have one) but $10 more for a Cryorig H7 is worth considering.

2) That's pretty expensive for a Z170 board. Nothing wrong with it, but what features does it have that a $90-100 board does not? Just trying to save you some money here.

3) Hybrid drives are not very good. They're only fractionally faster than traditional drives in a best case scenario and often slower, and more expensive per GB, which is why they never really caught on. If you're on a tight budget, I'd shave it off the motherboard and get a proper 250GB SSD, and if you need more storage later, add a 3.5" HDD.

The case will be fine.

One last bit - I often recommend people go with an i7 6700 + stock cooler + B150 board instead of 6600K + Z170 + aftermarket heatsink. It often works out marginally cheaper and the i7 will beat even a heavily overclocked i5 in most new AAA games, while drawing a lot less power and with no risk of instability.


why do you use a laptop hard disk? why not a 3.5" 1 tb hard disk?

about the card, it is a good card but a bit expensive and the 1050ti is almost 60% faster and only some dollars more

if you can, 16 gbs of ram will make that machine futureproof when facing games using more ram than 8 gbs so 2x8gbs should be better and not much more expensive


It looks like he already has the hard disk? I personally wouldn't use it as a boot drive. I'd go with a SSD.

I agree with Ecky that unless you need some of the futures of that motherboard you could probably save up to $50 going with a less expensive one.

I wouldn't spend $123 on a 750ti when you can get a 1050ti for about $10 more. I'd personally try and squeeze a 1060 3gb into the budget if this is for gaming.


yes, not ideal as a boot drive, very slow, as storage and for games is perfect and very silent, very few watts it uses

the 1060, sounds ideal, but if tight budget, might be out of reach, but yes, 750 is great and all but is too expensive at that price

I have one, sitting in a box under my bed. I took it out of the laptop it was in and replaced it with a proper SSD. The 8GB of flash included with hybrid drives isn't even SSD-class, it's usually just flash memory like you'd find in a USB flash drive, with lower access times than a spinning disk, and that 8GB will only get filled over time after the controller recognizes frequently accessed data, and will not affect new files or those accessed infrequently.

Check out Anandtech's review of Seagate's newer drives. They're pretty lukewarm, suggesting a hybrid drive has no place in a desktop with SSD prices so low.


if he alredy bought the card but can return it, if i was him, i would return it

if not well, it is a very good card and can be sold easily

about the sshd, that concept with those sizes was ideal when windows 7 or 8 fit on those 8 gbs, windows 10 uses around 12 gbs iirc, not that ideal anymore

a 128gb ssd and a 1 tb hard disk are great for most people but budget is what drives most decisions