Help me with first PC build

Hi AFurby,

The hard drive you picked is a small, thin type for a laptop. You probably want this one for a desktop pc-

The rest looks fine but personally I'd get the i5-6600k and a GTX 1070 instead of the i7 / GTX 1060. Maybe you have a reason to get an i7 I don't know of. You made a good choice for the power supply. If you could afford an SSD it would be a great addition to your system.
Hi AFurby,

The hard drive you picked is a small, thin type for a laptop. You probably want this one for a desktop pc-

The rest looks fine but personally I'd get the i5-6600k and a GTX 1070 instead of the i7 / GTX 1060. Maybe you have a reason to get an i7 I don't know of. You made a good choice for the power supply. If you could afford an SSD it would be a great addition to your system.


Dec 29, 2016

Thanks for replying, i replaced the hard drive in the Wishlist and I was wondering between the (i5-6600k and a GTX 1070) and (i7 / GTX 1060), what kind of diffrence would it make switching to the I5 and 1070?