Need help/tips selling my GPU and Display


Feb 12, 2015
It's been almost two years since I've bought my Nvidia GTX 970 Graphics card (Reference Model) and one year with my Asus MX279 1080p Display. I know I've used them for a little while, though, 4K gaming is becoming much cheaper and I want to make the big leap to 4K. I'm planing to buy the 1080 ti when it comes out and a 4K display of course.

I really want to know the maximum profit I can get out of these items so I can add it for my next build.

Also, is the 'big leap' worth it or is this a bad plan and should stick to what I have?
What other plans do you consider?
(You can judge this however you want, I will consider everything that's helpful!)
When it comes to selling things that are second hand.
There are only a few things or rules to stick by LegendCreator .

And that is how much you yourself want to get out of selling the old hardware to you.
To someone for example bidding for it on Ebay ect.

Always set the value if going, or doing a private advert or sale for the items in question.
Slightly higher than what you have in mind of expecting when selling.

There are always going to be people who call or phone and offer you a lower price.
That way you can um and ahh, when in reality your in fact getting the price you wish.
While the other person thinks they are getting a good deal.

Your going to make a slight loss but you want people to bite also.
When it comes to selling things that are second hand.
There are only a few things or rules to stick by LegendCreator .

And that is how much you yourself want to get out of selling the old hardware to you.
To someone for example bidding for it on Ebay ect.

Always set the value if going, or doing a private advert or sale for the items in question.
Slightly higher than what you have in mind of expecting when selling.

There are always going to be people who call or phone and offer you a lower price.
That way you can um and ahh, when in reality your in fact getting the price you wish.
While the other person thinks they are getting a good deal.

Your going to make a slight loss but you want people to bite also.


Feb 12, 2015

That is a pretty useful strategy, thank you. What I just realized is that it's kinda rare or impossible to find a brand new GTX 970 reference model these days (ever since pascal GPU's came out), maybe I can get a bit more on that since the card is technically new, I never overclock or game hours upon hours with it. It is used yes but it still has everything including accessories and still looks like it's out of the box!