Which Cpu GPU combination for 1080p gaming


Aug 26, 2016
So Im stumped. Im planning on buying an i5 6600k and gtx 1060 6GB with a 1080p 144Hz monitor, but im just wondering whether or not is a good move. Is buying overclocked CPU for 144Hz 1080p ultra gaming worth it if my GPU is but a gtx 1060?

On another hand I could go for an i5 6400 and a GTX 1070 with a 1080p 144Hz monitor, which would cost me the ability to overclock but my graphics card would be much better.

Which of these would be more effective gaming wise? Better GPU or overclocked CPU?
Choices are 6600k +1060 or 6400 + 1070. That's rough on a 144Hz Monitor. The best option would be the 6600k and 1070. A 144Hz Monitor can get demanding in some games and really could use the power of the 1070. However, the 6400 is a dog, it's 2.4GHz will hurt it in many games, especially high cpu/low core usage games where the speed is just too slow to keep up with the demands of a 1070 at 144Hz.

Best option given the choices is the 6600k +1060 6Gb. It'll have the cpu power and speed needed and have most of the gpu power needed. It's also a simple upgrade to a larger gpu later without the excess pita required to upgrade the cpu later.


Oct 5, 2016
I would just get the i5 6600k and the 1060 but instead of initially buying an overclocked cpu you should clock it yourself (fairly easy to do except make sure your mobo supports it).


Choices are 6600k +1060 or 6400 + 1070. That's rough on a 144Hz Monitor. The best option would be the 6600k and 1070. A 144Hz Monitor can get demanding in some games and really could use the power of the 1070. However, the 6400 is a dog, it's 2.4GHz will hurt it in many games, especially high cpu/low core usage games where the speed is just too slow to keep up with the demands of a 1070 at 144Hz.

Best option given the choices is the 6600k +1060 6Gb. It'll have the cpu power and speed needed and have most of the gpu power needed. It's also a simple upgrade to a larger gpu later without the excess pita required to upgrade the cpu later.