Need help with what graphics card to get

You can run either no issue then.
I do think the 4gb 480 is THE bang for buck option though especially for amd processors running a 1080p screen.

If you're running the stock cooler & stock clocks spending some of the saving on a $24 cooler like the s40 & pushing 4ghz is going to give you a really good mid range gaming combo.
Amd cards/drivers also have native gameplay recording built in mate , I would consider the 480 I linked highly.
With a 6300 its going to be the limiter so you're going to see the same performance with the 4gb 480 as you are with the 1060 really ( & that really is a blistering price on that card)

I'd ask you your PSU model aswell ??
Does have a bearing on what you pick really.
I'm just trying to get you value for money here ;-)


Jan 4, 2017

You can run either no issue then.
I do think the 4gb 480 is THE bang for buck option though especially for amd processors running a 1080p screen.

If you're running the stock cooler & stock clocks spending some of the saving on a $24 cooler like the s40 & pushing 4ghz is going to give you a really good mid range gaming combo.