Keyboard and Mouse

Product reviews by both verified purchasers/end-users along with professional reviewers can provide some guidance.

Recommendations and/or caveats from any source can be and are helpful.

However, "better" is subjective for the most part. Everyone is different so the fit and feel that works for me may not work for you.

If at all possible, visit some stores, friends, family - anywhere that you can actually see, examine, and maybe try the candidate mice and keyboards.

You may find other product options as well.

Check the manufacturer websites for related FAQs, forum posting, User Guides/Manuals with respect to any products that you like.

The process above will help you make the decision fitting your overall situation and...


Product reviews by both verified purchasers/end-users along with professional reviewers can provide some guidance.

Recommendations and/or caveats from any source can be and are helpful.

However, "better" is subjective for the most part. Everyone is different so the fit and feel that works for me may not work for you.

If at all possible, visit some stores, friends, family - anywhere that you can actually see, examine, and maybe try the candidate mice and keyboards.

You may find other product options as well.

Check the manufacturer websites for related FAQs, forum posting, User Guides/Manuals with respect to any products that you like.

The process above will help you make the decision fitting your overall situation and requirements.

Feb 8, 2015

Thank You!.. Just a little question I'm really confused between the Asus and CM keyboards.... The mem-chanical thingy on Devastator looks great but Asus has more features...
What would you choose?



I have not used either keyboard so could not fairly comment per se.

Hopefully there are others following your post and will be able to directly comment on their respective experiences with either or both products.

Very much a "hands-on" look the horse in the mouth person. With so many products now online only it is often difficult to really assess quality. At least in a store you can do that and then pick the product that is not is a crushed box, dented, missing a piece or pieces.

Tend to be very skeptical about things such as "looks great" and the idea(s) behind "more features". Too much of that is just eye candy and marketing hype. Often distracts end purchasers away from what is really important.

You can make something with thick plastic that is really weaker than some other thinner plastic. Springs can lose their strength over time or even just deform from use.

What really matters, I think, is that you go hands on if at all possible.

You know how you type and if there are kids around then the keyboard needs to be extra rugged. Think about the features that you really need.

Go hands on and see if you like the feedback from the mem-chanical switch - or determine if you think you can adapt to the feel. And be aware that although there should be some consistency within the product line the same model could feel different. And the feel will change with use.

Decide which keyboard you prefer with respect to feel and features. Then read reviews, manuals, warranties, manufacturer forums/FAQs to learn what current users are saying. There will always be a some number of negative reviews - may or may not be justifiable or otherwise valid.

Yet if your selection has for the most part good reviews, in quantity, and you like the keyboard's feel then that is the keyboard to purchase. Be careful where you purchase even if you need to spend a bit more. A great deal is not so much so if the product proves counterfeit or defective from the start.

In any case keep the receipt, warranty info, and packaging materials handy - just in case.