Do I need to upgrade my PSU? (Getting a new CPU)


Nov 5, 2016
Hey everyone,

My pc is currently running on a Pentium G4400 Gtx 1050 ti 8gb DDR4 and two SSDs. This works fine as with a 400w PSU as the CPU and GPU are both really low power consuming.

But I am upgrading my CPU to an i5 7500 and I am wondering if 400 watts will be enough to power my build. If yes, then that's great, I can save some money, but if not, how much do I need?

Thanks guys, appreciate all the help.
Personally. I would Opt for buying a new power supply unit with more wattage provided.
Your going to have to upgrade the current power supply you have sooner or later.

Phoenix so you might as well do it as soon as you can, and go Up a few levels in how much power the new Psu can deliver in watts.

And while you about it making sure you get a good solid quality, well known brand of power supply for reliability and good power protection circuitry build into it.

It pays to do this as because the biggest mistake you can ever make is to buy a cheap unbranded power supply unit of a lower wattage out put is completely the wrong economy any way of thinking every thing else as part of the system relies on it to function correctly without...


Nov 8, 2016
from what I experience CX is not bad PSU, but if you're gaming a lot, you better don't go below than tier three.

Yes, Channel Well is good OEM, but the problem is the component they use for CX is not really good component.
Personally. I would Opt for buying a new power supply unit with more wattage provided.
Your going to have to upgrade the current power supply you have sooner or later.

Phoenix so you might as well do it as soon as you can, and go Up a few levels in how much power the new Psu can deliver in watts.

And while you about it making sure you get a good solid quality, well known brand of power supply for reliability and good power protection circuitry build into it.

It pays to do this as because the biggest mistake you can ever make is to buy a cheap unbranded power supply unit of a lower wattage out put is completely the wrong economy any way of thinking every thing else as part of the system relies on it to function correctly without fault.

If the Psu went drastically wrong Due to it being cheap, as a senario. ask your self if it blew up and took most of the other hardware connected to the motherboard how much it would cost you in total to replace all of the parts and practically start from scratch due to a cheap no branded power supply with little wattage out put and very little power protection circuitry built into to it Phoenix ?



CXM Series refresh 450/550/650 watts are good. Regular old CX series 430/500/600 etc. are bad.

The good ones have a black/grey sticker. The bad ones are labelled with a green one.