CPU temps getting too [warm] high?

Angry Beaver

Jan 26, 2017
Why is my CPU so warm when I'm barely doing anything? All I have up running in the background is the monitoring programs, Youtube, and a tab or two open in chrome.

Even though it is a laptop, I'd imagine it would run cooler in a 25C air-conditioned room, or am I just thinking too much?


Throttle temp for your CPU is 105c, and many laptop manufacturers will allow these CPUs to run into the upper 80's or even lower 90's, because they're designed to and will not be harmed by it. As long as you're not throttling, I'd leave it alone. If you are, I'd pull the laptop apart, remove the cooler, clean it of dust, and reseat it with fresh thermal paste.
Throttle temp for your CPU is 105c, and many laptop manufacturers will allow these CPUs to run into the upper 80's or even lower 90's, because they're designed to and will not be harmed by it. As long as you're not throttling, I'd leave it alone. If you are, I'd pull the laptop apart, remove the cooler, clean it of dust, and reseat it with fresh thermal paste.