Cpu and Gpu Watercooling


Jan 28, 2017
Hello guys,
Im going to build my first pc and i have been researching on these things sice last year..I have plenty of knowledge..Im going to build my pc with Amd's Upcoming processor RyZen..And Vega Graphics...I know i should not talk about something thats not realeased but just for info, I have a question. If i water cool my cpu and gpu together...which radiator should i use..and just anyone explain in detail if its good to use pump-reservoir combo...and im using water cooling for one purpose just to throw the heat out of my room through the usage of pipes...just need info on that..
My age is 16+....

In summers in india the weather i too hot and even if i turn on the air conditioner with my pc using air cooling its just going to consume power as the A/C is going cool the room and pc is going to heat it again..So need to water cool it and throw the heat out

Regards Ansh


Can't be answered at this time neither have been released and might not even be released anytime soon.

Why would you even consider building a PC with Zen when their no performance benchmarks out. I'm betting it's going to be yet another AMD flop just like their last releases.

Your cooling by removing the heat from the room with pipes? what are you going to do run the radiator outside the house?